Normal Moments
Melissa said “Everyone deserves a David”. Patricia responded, after only a moment’s pause, “We can do that”, and Normal Moments was born.
On March 29, 2007 Patricia wrote a message to future Normal Moments families that concluded:
“For her 17th birthday gift, my daughter asked for me to get a tattoo of the Chinese character for hope. She is not likely to be here for that birthday, so as strange as the request was, I gave her that gift recently. I think she wanted to make sure that even after she is gone, it is impossible for me to lose hope. Not only am I committed to holding onto my own hope, but to help you keep yours…not to mention some level of sanity….through any and every ordeal you face with your child’s health and well-being.”
*Melissa Anna Fragen died on April 1, 2007
We will achieve this goal by alleviating the home stresses while parents sit with their hospital-bound child, by providing them with experienced resources to whom they can vent or who can be used as sounding boards either in person or by telephone, by reducing some daily cares such as housecleaning, lawn maintenance, and meals from local restaurants, by providing a consolidated location where they can research medications and treatment protocols via links to reputable websites, among other services, and by providing access to other service providers who can assist them with those needs not met by Normal Moments, Inc. All services will be provided on a charitable basis without consideration to race, religion, financial need, or any requirement beyond the medical needs of the child.